Below you can find the Step By Step procedure of GLPI Installation Guide for Linux Fedora Ubuntu or Cent OS.
1) Working Apache server
2) Working Mysql Server
3) Latest version of GLPI
GLPI Installation Guide
1) Mysql Configuration:
Login to mysql server through shell (or webmin). Create database glpidb
Example : db name – glpidb, username – glpiuser , password – glpipwd
In SSH run the following comments to create database.
mysql> exit
If you are ruining Apache and mysql in different servers, you have to use glpiuser@apacheserverip
2)GLPI installation
Login to Apache server host through shell
Download the latest glpi archive
Un tar glpi-0.72.4.tar.gz in the web root directory
Add dns entry for your support website ( to (replace with your ip) )
If you don’t have dns server, you can use the ip directly
edit /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf and add the following configurations
Or add alias for this glpi directory
Restart apache server
Browse your support url or ip (from remote computer)
for directory access use ( from local host http://localhost/glpi)

Click on Installation button

Click Continue

Enter the Mysql user name password details and continue
host – mysqlserverip (localhost)
User Name= glpiuser
Password = glpipwd
Step 2
Select the database glpi form the shown list and continue

Admin user name – glpi , password – glpi
Excellent blog
Nice blog …
I'm installing GLPI on CentOS 6.
Everything is ok and succesfully view the webpage until I key in this command
#chmod -R 775 /var/www/html/glpi/
which cause the webpage unable to view.
It says that "You don't have permission to access /glpi/ on this server"
So what can I do to fix the problem.