Steps for creating the DSET 1.9 in ESX 4.0 Dell System E-support Tool

Steps for creating the Dell System E-support Tool (DSET) 1.9 in ESX 4.0

Please find the Link below:

Dell System E-support Tool (DSET)

Steps for creating the DSET 1.9 in ESX 4.0

  1. Copy the DSET bin file to root using WinScp or some other utility
  2. Give the required permissions to the file using root or SU user credentials.  Please use the command ‘CHMOD777
  3. Execute the DSET file using the command <./ DSET file name>
  4. The report would be created in the root folder
  5. The report can be exported back using WinSCP or any other utility.
  6. Please check the below screen shots for reference. 
Steps for creating the DSET
Steps for creating the DSET

Browse to the location where you downloaded the file and open a console or command prompt. Run the DSET binary from the console or command prompt:  ./delldset_v1.9.0.131_A02.bin

Once the Dell license is accepted, follow the binary wizard instructions to do any of the following:1. Read DSET Release Notes First – Displays the README contents
2. Create a DSET Report Only – Loads DSET to create a standard system configuration report which is typically written to the current user’s home directory
3. Clear ESM Hardware Log – Clears the log of any past hardware events. This also typically resets the PowerEdge amber warning light to blue
4. Install/Upgrade DSET Application – Permanently installs DSET for
repeat use

Dell System E-support Tool

The report would be created in the root folder
The report can be exported back using WinSCP or any other utility.

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