How to change the default port number of Apache Tomcat on Windows Server
To change the Apache tomcat default port 8080 to some other port number , we need to edit the server.xml file located in the tomcat program directory
1. Go to Start-> Programs -> Apache Tomcat x.x-> Tomcat x.x Program Directory
This will open the Tomcat Program directory.
2. Edit the server.xml file located inside /conf folder of Tomcat program directory.
Change the default port 8080 to 80 or some other port in the following line.
connector classname=”org.apache.coyote.tomcat4.CoyoteConnector”
port=”8080″ minProcessors=”5″ maxProcessors=”75″
port=”8080″ minProcessors=”5″ maxProcessors=”75″
3. Save the file and reboot tomcat