How to Delete or Clear Spiceworks Inventory
To clear or delete Devices form Spiceworks Inventory you can follow the below simple steps
Click on Inventory
Select Browse View
Select All Device
On the top bar click on > Edit -> Delete
This will show all the device list. Now you can select all device and remove them form the inventory
Note: Before performing this you should take a backup of your database
To take backup go to Settings -> Backup Configuration -> Backup Now
How to Clear Spiceworks database?
You can clear or empty the Spicework database tables by using Sqlite Manager.
Step 1
Install SQlite Manager. If you have Firefox browser, then you can directly install the Firefox add-ons from the below link.

Step 2
Once the installation is completed , restart Firefox
Now Go to Tools -> SQLite Manager
This will open the SQLite Manager in a new window
On SQLite Manager go to Database -> Connect Database ( select ALL files)
Open the spiceworks DB file stored in c:Program FilesSpiceworksdbspiceworks_prod.db
If spice works is running or some other system then use $ share to access db file

This will open the spicework database.
Now you can right click the tables one by one and empty the data.

You can use this method for editing, modifying and re-indexing the tables also.