How to Add Facebook Google+ Twitter sharing button after the first Post in phpBB
phpBB Social Network
1) To add the Social Sharing button after the first Post.
Login to phpBB Admin Go to -> Styles -> Templates -> Edit (Your default template, eg :Prosilver) -> Template File -> Select viewtopic_body.html
Search for:
<!– END postrow –>
and paste the code before this line as shown in this picture.
* Code Should be pasted Between
< !-- IF postrow.S_FIRST_ROW == 2 -- > code < !-- ENDIF -- >
Now Go to Template -> Cache and Delete all cached template files.
Sample Page:
Social Sharing Codes:
AddThis Button Code (Facebook, Twitter, Google+) :
To add Only Facebook like button phpbb3
Linked-in Code for phpBB:
MySpace Code for phpBB:
More Codes :
its working great thanks but when i cklick facebook like it doesnt the topic subject of the topic.can you give advice please?
Thanks! Works great!
Thanks a lot.. It worked 🙂
But how to add these buttons after every post (and not just the first post)??