MTS GPRS MMS APN Settings for Android iPhone
1. MTS Ukraine GPRS Settings:
a. Automatic WAP Settings:
To receive GPRS/WAP settings automatically, Send a SMS message to 1020 with text as shown in the below formate.
Brand Name of Mobile space model space telephone_WAP
SMS < Nokia 6670 WAP > to 1020
Or send a Blank SMS to 1020
If you are not able to configure it automatically, you can configure it manually using the following instructions.
b. Manual WAP|GPRS Settings MTS Ukraine:
Connection name : MTS WAP GPRS
Data Bearer : GPRS
Access Point Name (APN) : wap
Authentication type : Normal
User name : Blank
Prompt password : No
Password : Blank
IP address :
Port number : 8080 (For WAP 2.0), 9201 (For old)
Homepage :
Connection security : Off
Connection type : Permanent
Manual WAP CDS Settings MTS Ukraine:
Connection name : MTS WAP CSD
Data Bearer : CSD (GSM Data)
Dial-up number : 950
User name : Blank
Prompt password : No
Password : Blank
Authentication type : Normal
IP address :
Port number : 8080 (For WAP 2.0), 9201 (For old)
Data call type : ISDN v.110
Homepage :
Data speed : 9600
Connection security : Off
Connection type : Permanent
Manual MMS Settings MTS Ukraine:
Connection name : MMS
Data Bearer : GPRS
Access Point Name (APN) : mms
User name : Blank
Prompt password : No
Password : Blank
Authentication type : Normal
Connection security : Off
Connection type : Permanent
IP address
Port number : 8080 (For WAP 2.0), 9201 (For old)
Homepage : http://mms/
c. MTS APN Settings for Android:
Go to Menu -> Settings -> Wireless & networks-> Mobile networks -> Access Point Names -> New APN and enter the following details there
Internet APN:
Name : MTS UA
APN : internet
Proxy : < Not Set >
Port : < Not Set >
Username : < Not Set >
Password : < Not Set >
Server : < Not Set >
MMSC : < Not Set >
MMS Proxy : < Not Set >
MMS Port :< Not Set >
MCC : 255
MNC : 01
Authentication type : < Not Set >
APN Type : default
2. MTS Russia GPRS MMS APN Settings:
Below you can find the manual GPRS settings for MTS Russia.
a. Manual GPRS/WAP Settings MTS Russia:
Connection Name : MTS Internet
Access Point Name APN:
Username : mts
Password : mts
DNS :,
b. MTS Russia APN Settings for Android:
C. MTS RU APN Settings for iPhone / iPad:
3. MTS India Internet Settings:
Internet Settings are configured by default in the MTS handsets.
DialUp settings:
DIAL No. : #777
4. MTS Uzbekistan GPRS | MMS Settings:
GPRS/MMS Activation:
If your GPRS services are not activated in your phone, you can activate it by USSD-request to number *111*0011# or by sending a SMS with text 1 to 616001 number.
SMS < 1 > to 616001
Automatic GPRS | MMS | WAP Settings:
To receive the GPRS Settings automatically on your phone by just call the short number 0876. You will receive the settings as sms, you have to save that settings as default settings.
Manual GPRS/WAP Settings MTS Uzbekistan:
Connection Name : MTS GPRS
Access Point Name (APN) :
UserName : mts
Password : mts
5. MTS Belarus GPRS | MMS Settings:
Automatic GPRS | MMS | WAP Settings:
To download internet settings automattically to your phone via SMS you need to send a SMS to number 0885 in the follwing formate.
SMS < 5 > to 0885
If 5 is not working then try 6
SMS < 6 > to 0885
After sending the SMS you will receive the confirmation message. Then you will receive the settings as sms, save it as default settings using the pin 1234.
Manual GPRS| MMS | WAP Settings:
Find the manual settings for Nokia, samsung, Siemens, iphone and other models bellow.
Manual Internet Settings MTS Belarus: Connection name: mts internet
Data bearer: GPRS
Access Point Name (APN) :
User name: mts
Password : mts
Manual GPRS/WAP Settings MTS Belarus: Connection name: MTS GPRS
Data bearer: GPRS
Access Point Name (APN) :
IP address:
WAP Port (WAP 1.x): 9201
WAP Port (WAP 2.0): 9201(8080)
User name: mts
Password: mts
Manual MMS Settings MTS Belarus: Connection name: MTS MMS
Data bearer: GPRS
Access Point Name (APN) :
IP address:
WAP Port (WAP 1.x): 9201
WAP Port (WAP 2.0): 9201(8080)
User name: mts
Password: mts
Homepage: http://mmsc
Settings -> Wireless & networks ->Mobile Networks ->CDMA Options ->Access Point Names -> Add New APN ->
Name – MTSNet
Username – Your username
Password – Your password
Authentication Type – PAP or CHAP
PPP Phone Number – #777