LycaMobile 4G APN Settings for Android iPhone Activation UK Australia Belgium Denmark Italy Norway Netherlands Spain Sweden Switzerland
LycaMobile GPRS | WAP | MMS Settings
Below you can find the Manual Internet and MMS Configuration for Lycamobile UK Australia Belgium Denmark Italy Norway Netherlands Spain Sweden Switzerland
How to Activate GPRS/MMS:
To activate your GPRS/MMS services, please call customer care on 322 from your Lycamobile
or 0207 132 0322 from any other phone.
1. LycaMobile UK Manual GPRS/Internet Settings:
Data Bearer: Packet data
Access point name:
User name: lmuk
Prompt password: plus
Dont change Password
Authentication: Normal
2. LycaMobile Australia Manual GPRS/Internet Settings:
Connection name: lycamobile
Data Bearer: Packet data
Access point name:
User name: lmau
Prompt password: plus
Don’t change Password
Authentication: Normal
3. Internet APN Settings for Android Mobiles UK:
(Google Nexus / HTC / Samsung Galaxy / MotoG/ Xperia)
Go to Menu -> Settings -> Wireless & networks-> Mobile networks -> Access Point Names -> New APN and enter the following details there
Name : LycaUK
Proxy : Not Set
Port : Not Set
Username : lmuk
Password : plus
Server : Not Set
MMS Proxy : Not Set
MMS Port : Not Set
MCC : Not Set
MNC : Not Set
Authentication type : Not Set
APN Type : Not Set
4. APN Settings for iPhone /iPad UK:
Go to Settings-> General -> Network->Turn ON Cellular Data Network (or Mobile Data Network)
Select Cellular Data Network (or Mobile Data Network ) > APN and enter the following details
Cellular Data:
Username: lmuk
Password: plus
Username: blank
Password: blank
MMS Proxy: blank
MMS Message Size: blank
MMS UA Prof URL: Blank
5. For Other Countries APN:
Replace the APN. Username in the above settings
User Name : lmau
Password : Plus
User Name : lmdk
Password : Plus
User Name : lmse
Password : Plus
User Name : lmch
Password : Plus
Find Here
User Name : lmbe
Password : Plus
User Name : lmes
Password : Plus
User Name : lmfr
Password : Plus
User Name : lmnl
Password : Plus
User Name : lmie
Password : Plus
How do I register my Lycamobile sim card? Pls. contact me on my e/mail
How are GPRS/Internet settings for
Please help
My address e-mail:
For Lycamobile Netherlands
IPhone go to Settings -> General->Network>Mobile Data Network
Access point
Rest all blank
Data roaming-off
Internet tethering-off
Lycamobile NL APN Settings for Android:
Go to Menu -> Settings -> Wireless & networks-> Mobile networks -> Access Point Names -> New APN and enter the following details there
Name : Lyca
Proxy : < Not Set >
Port : < Not Set >
Username : lmnl
Password : plus
Server : < Not Set >
MMSC : < Not Set >
MMS Proxy : < Not Set >
MMS Port : < Not Set >
MCC : < Not Set >
MNC : < Not Set >
Authentication type : < Not Set >
APN Type : < Not Set >
I'm using iphone 4g, how do i setup gprs/ internet for lycamobile? please help me. my email address is
hey, how can i set my gprs,mms and internet on my
I'm using iphone 4s, how do I set up GPRS/Internet for ? Pls help!
My email:
does anybody know about the internet usage prices on lycamobile?
How can i set GPRS and MMS for blackberry curv. Pleas
Im also have the same problem .. But im frm london…. Wats the mcc and mnc 3 dgt no for london??????????
Plz let me know if know answer to thx..
Hey can someone help me with the settings for gprs on galaxy note
does anybody know about registering lyca using a modem? in denmark……amybody got the codes ect.?bless
Nope, It's still not working
Hello! I`m using Lyca in France and can`t send MMS. Symple telefon Nokia 1131. What need I do? Please,
Hallo, ich bin aus Deutschland. wie lauten die zugangspunkte zur internet von galax s2. bitte um rückmeldung. danke
Hello I have HTC Titan Windows Phone. What are the WAP settings for Switzerland?
I am in France.How can i access free wifi internet using my Lyca sim since i do not wifi accèss at home.?Please Help
hallo bin aus deutschland und brauche die einstelung für internet..
Hi .. I tried lycamobile UK APN settings for BB 8520 but it it not working …. 🙁 🙁 Pls help!
Thank you, your post was quite helpful and is greatly appreciated 🙂
Hi there. Pls tell me how I can browse the internet on my laptop computer in the UK with Lyca mobile sim. I have a "universal" modem that accepts all sim cards. My email is:
Thanks for your help.
hello does anybody know how to set the 3g for a samsung galaxy nexus?
After setting up APN to activate data you need to enable Data Packets and Data Roaming
hello i'm in uk and try to get internet settings for an LG GT540 on lycamobile …thanks
hello I am from AUstralia , Can you please let me know the settings for mobile internet for lyca mobile in iphone 3gs. I tried many settings as the above thread still does not work . Any ideas ?
APN username and password are / lmau / plus any other settings to be made ?
You can manually configure it
From the main screen -> Select Options -> Advanced System Settings -> TCP IP -> Place a check mark on APN Settings Enabled. and enter the following details
User Name : lmuk
Password : plus
Reboot the mobile…
Update me if it is working fine…
Hello!I`m from UK.I have a blackberry 8520,how do i get internet?Please help me!Thank you!
hi there im using a old razor v3i motorola. trying to set up the internet settings manually after the updates the company send do not work or go trough i have put the above details in but it dos not connect.
just says network not availible 🙁
im in the uk please help thank you
First of all…Thank you for post all those settings!
I tried the whole time, wo get any connection to lycamobile. I'm studying in the netherlands and use a Sensation with ICS.
Perhaps there was a mistake or so..gonna try that in 2 weeks again.
But..are you sure, that Lyca has an internet connection??? I am not sure anymore 😀
i am in australia.. i am using sonyexperia x8mini . i am using prepaid lyca sim. but i can't surf internet on my mobile. can you please help me,
can someone help me to configure bb bold for internet and mms lycamobile nl??thx
my email:
how i can activate Internet in France without phone call?
Im in the uk wanna send pic msg to pakistan wat do i do
hei 🙂 i have samsung galaxy s2. im using lycamobile. how to set internet? pls help me
hello i`m from U.K. ai need internet settings for Nokia e72 on lycamobile…can someoone help me pls…
MCC : 204
MNC : 09
MCC : 204
MNC : 09
I'm using Lyca Netherlands on my Google Nexus S and it says that the MCC must be a 3 digit number and the MNC must be either 2 or 3 digits. It doesn't work with .
Pls help meeeee…
How to get internet on lycamobile?????
i tried to call on 322, but its consistently say " number not in use"
I am in Denmark & have difficulties using Lycamobile internet on iphone 3
Pleas if you have some ideas it will be very helpful
Thanks 🙂
However this does not work for my iphone 4S in Netherlands
Lycamobile Sweden GPRS Settings:
Connection Name: Lycamobile
Data bearer : GPRS
Access point name (APN):
Username: lmse
Prompt password: plus
Password: plus
Authentication : Normal
APN For Android:
Name: lycamobile
password: plus
MMSC:Not Set
MMS Proxy: Not Set
MMS Port:Not Set
APN type:Not Set
The APN settings work for the Nexus S Samsung phone. Thanks.
im also having the same pronlems when i was in france and now again in italy. and now i have bought a recharge voucher in france and cannot top.up the credit. every customer service number i ring is not connected. i dont have any data access. not happy with this service. ……………… regards
APN Settings for Google G1:
APN: /
Proxy: Leave Blank
Prot: Leave Blank
UserName: lmau / (for UK) lmuk
Password: plus
Server: Leave Blank
MMSC: Leave Blank
MMS proxy: Leave Blank
MMS port: Leave Blank
MCC: Leave Blank
MNC: Leave Blank
APN Type: Leave Blank
Lycamobile APN Settings for Android:
Go to Menu -> Settings -> Wireless & networks-> Mobile networks -> Access Point Names -> New APN and enter the following details there
Name : Lyca
APN : /or/
Proxy : < Not Set >
Port : < Not Set >
Username : lmau / (for UK) lmuk
Password : plus
Server : < Not Set >
MMSC : < Not Set >
MMS Proxy : < Not Set >
MMS Port : < Not Set >
MCC : < Not Set >
MNC : < Not Set >
Authentication type : < Not Set >
APN Type : < Not Set >
Try This
Name: lycamobile
username: lmes
password: plus
Leave all other settings blank.
what is proxy server address Of Lycamobile spain
I have a blackberry torch 9800 and i have tried the settings above and it didn't work can some please help me. I have put in all Australian setting. Thanks
The settings for android worked. I have struggling for days with no success. Looked at one of the entries here.
The difference:
remove 0 in Port.
Auth type PAP
APN type blank
Activate 2G.
Activate Roaming.
Select network Automatic.
Take battery out instead of switching off phone. Reinsert and restart.
It worked.
Alcatel Android.
Hi i am using nokia n8 from australia lyca provider mine problem is in the access point i can only select mobile data where as your blog shows packet data.
Data bearer: Mobile data instead of Packet data.
Please help me to change the settings.
Data roaming needed to be activated i guess. the settings are as follows on s2.
Proxy: blank
Port: blank
Username: lmau
Password: plus
Server: blank
MMSC: blank
MMS Proxy: blank
MMS Port: blank
MCC: 505
MNC: 19
Authentication Type: PAP
APN type: blank
Bearer: Unspecified
cant seem to connect to lycamobile via HTC Desire.. please help. im in UK
can anybody please help with the lyca internet settings for a Samsung Nexus S in UK?
Many thanks!
Presently I phone 4 is not compatible for lycamobile
I am in Australia and I followed all the instructions on how to connect, enter user name, password, reboot my iphone 4s, etc. but it never works. Please help me.
tried the blackberry advice from sept 11th and didnt work any other clues or tips…..
Hi i m avni, i have acer liquid E mobile and i have lycamobile connection, 24 dollar plan in austerila, but internet is not working in my moible, tell me the setting which i can change ..plz help me
Hi admin, how can i use internet in my lycamobile, i'm using sam. galaxy ace here in Netherlands. please give step by step coz i'm clueless… thank you… c:
Hello, I have Blackberry 9780, I did the lycamobile mobile data, but just the whatsapp works, the BBm, browser and email didn't work what should I do? plzzz helpppp
Thank you so much, works as charm
Hello every,
I have been searching the internet for Blackberry internet settings. I was finally able to work around it and got internet. The trick is very much the same as explained previously on this thread.
FIRST:Locate the configuration screen by doing the following
1-click on Options >Advanced system settings> TCP IP
(in some Black berry phones you need to go to OPTIONS>DEVICE>ADVANCED SYSTEM SETTINGS>TCP IP)
SECOND: >Configure the settings by doing the following:
1-Tick on APN settings (enable)
2-input APN packet data: (.es,, .pl, .se,.be,.fr., .de., etc. change as appropriate for your country suffix)
3-click on APN authentication (enable)
4-input user name for APN: lmnl (change the last two letters into your country suffix lmse, lmuk, lmbe, lmde, lmpl, etc.
5-input password: plus (the password is standard and should be changed.) Now save and exit.
THIRD: Configure Mobile Network Options:
1-go to screen menu>click mange connections> click mobile network options
2-data services>ON
3-while roaming>ON
4-Network Selection Mode: Automatic
5-Network mode: 2G
save and exit
remove battery and reboot. do not switch on and off.
Good luck
If this does not work, let me know larkjaylark(at)
hi i have blabkberry curve 9320 i hav lyca sim how and i get internet on my phone and i live in london
Hello i have a iphone 3gs jailbroken with last ios 5.1 i live in Belgium and i have a lycamobile how i activate the internet? or configuration for this phone. Thanks !
Hallo to all. I'm in germany at now. Soory my english i'm russian. I heave a Problem.i heave a Nokia 6300, and i heave a Problem with an internet in my phone.i don't Know how configurate an Internet in my phone. Please explane me,how i can configurate an Internet in my Nokia 6300. Else i heave Nokia n 91 ,and i don't heave a Problem with configurations Internet in this Model,but in Nokia 6300 i Can't configurate Internet. Please help me in this Problem( configurate Internet from lycamobile in the Nokia 6300). I'll Be gratefull for this help. Thank you. Staun sorry for my Bad english. I'm only Russin!!! :))))
Yes..At present it will not work for iPhone 4.
Iphone 4 didn't work for lycamobile Internet or what? I tried to set up hundred times already but it's doesn't work
Please help!!
Australia lycamobile
Thankssss!!! It is working very well….thumbs up
thank you for your information… how can i check how the internet allowance used/left in lyca mobile..??? please help..
hello i am in uk and i am using nokia asha 201 can anyone please help me with the settings of the internet pls. my email is thanks.
am using htc touch 3g with lycamoblie i don"t have internet please help"
For Android, you need to enter the apn settings manually.
for nokia from ireland? settings for internet.. plz
Hallo, I tried to download GPRS for my Android mobile based on the Lycamobile APN settings for Android. But i don't see any data when I reach APN I there aren't any items displayed. Could you please help if there is any other way to do it. My e-mail is
Thank you.
Dear all
did setup the APN as said above on my Android with Lyca connection. The internet din't work till I realised to enable the "Data Roaming". For some reason the network is shown as roaming (R appears on the signal strength logo) and till you switch on the data roaming Android assumes you don't want internet while on roaming!
Let me know if this works
Hello, could anyone knows how I can set up my GPRS for Samsung.
Thank you,
I m using samung ace s5830 plz what is internet+mms setting in uk some body allredy sent me but dosn,t work.
Lycamobile APN Settings for Android:(My handset model no.Samsung GT-S5300)
Rest all blank
3g(wi-fi setting)-off
Data roaming-off
Internet tethering-off
Lycamobile NL APN Settings for Android:
Go to Menu -> Settings -> Wireless & networks-> Mobile networks -> Use packet data(right mark "ok"), Use only 2/3G networks(right mark "ok"), Than Access Point Names -> New APN and enter the following details there
Name : Lyca
APN : (For Lycamobile France=fr/For Lycamobile Netherlands=nl etc.)
Proxy : < Not Set >
Port : < Not Set >
Username : lmnl
Password : plus(ex.1234)
Server : < Not Set >
MMSC : < Not Set >
MMS Proxy : < Not Set >
MMS Port : < Not Set >
MCC : < Not Set > or 208
MNC : < Not Set > or 25
Authentication type : < Not Set >
APN Type : < Not Set > or Internet+MMS or Internet or MMS
your situation details me.
Hello i´m from portugal and i would like to know how to configure internet settings proxy, my phone is a LG_C360, sim card is lycamobile. my
How do I activate the 3G of my samsung galaxy s3 mini I am here in denmark now and I am using Lyca sim
I am also unable to get this to work on my iPhone 5; yet all other lycamobile sims woked for me, in Ireland and in the UK. Are there any updated suggestions?
How do i get mms settings on a nokia 6303
I m using Nokia c2 plz what is Internet sitting help me plzzzzzzz :'(
hey, i have a blackberry, will someone let me know how to activate internet on lycamobile.
I have a blackberry 9700 and before to setup the settings for apn, is there anythin else to do before it?
Hi Rayane,
Were you able to figure out the setting ?
Even for me Whats app is working but browser and email is not working.
Please respond. []
Can I maka nrmal lyca sim into micro n use in s4
Presently I phone 4 is not compatible for lycamobile
Lycamobile APN Settings for Apple I-PHONE( 2g,3g,3gs):
Go to Settings->General->Network->Mobile Data Network
Mobile Data:
APN : (For Australia )
Username : lmuk
Password : plus
Username : Blank
Password : Blank
MMSC : Blank
MMS Proxy : Blank
MMS Max Message Size : Leave the Default Value
MMS UA Prof URL : Blank
I have an Blackberry 9300 ; Lyca in NL. I cant get the GPRS or Web settings. Any help Appreciated,
go to main screen -> Select Options -> Advanced System Settings -> TCP IP -> Place a check mark on APN Settings Enabled. and enter the following details
User Name : lmnl
Password : plus
Hello I'm from the United States My phone is Blackberry Bold 9900 and you activate the unlimited Internet service but I can not run the Internet to now Even though I followed all the instructions and I could not use the Internet
For US Try
User Name : lmus
Password : plus
I have samsung galaxy s3 mini an I use card activate APN setting lycamobile for samsung galaxy s3 mini.?
please help me..
How can I get 4g sigh in my Google nexus 4 and the speed plz help me
I'm in USA
ipad 1 how to connect setting lycamobile internet
User Name : lmus
Password : plus
hi im in USA i have samsung galaxy s4 mini and i jst activated my lycamobile sim. i have entered the details onto the APN settings restarted my device but still no connection. whats the problem?
I have Blackberry from UK , and I am in DK right now , how to active lycamobile sim on my blackberry device ???
hye 🙂 i have activated internet plan in france. is the internet pack can be used freely in Italy or others europe countries? or there will be data roaming when we are abroad? need your help. thanks 🙂
this is my email,
I am in Denmark & have difficulties using Lycamobile internet on samsung s3
Pleas if you have some ideas it will be very helpful
Hi I am in denmark & I have a Lenovo k900 mobile. I have a problem to access internet in my mobile. I tried Android settings but not work. wifi connection is working perfectly.
Please help me to solve this
Try configuring it manually
i'm in the usa my phone can't receive mms message. How to I configure it?
For GB/UK mcc = 234 and mnc = 26, with
How is it possible to have internet throughout Europe and what must put APN ?! I put * 139 * 4004 # that needs to be done on the internet Europe ?!