Facebook Official Instant messenger software free download for PC

Instant messenger for Facebook

Chat with your Facebook friends right from your desktop.
Facebook Official chat software free download for PC Windows/Mac/Linux Desktops
Using the Pidgin IM, you can chat with your Facebook friends.
Pidgin will support : Windows/Mac/Linux

Installation Procedure:

1. Download the latest version of Pidgin form http://www.pidgin.im/
2. Install it on your system
3. Go to “Accounts” and select “Manage Accounts.”
4. On the Basic tab, enter the following info:

Instant messenger for Facebook

Protocol: Facebook (XMPP)
Username: < your-Facebook-loin (without @mail.com) >
Domain: chat.facebook.com
Resource: Pidgina
Password: < your Facebook password >
Local alias: Your Name

Instant messenger

5. Click the Advanced tab, then enter the following info:
Connect port: 5222
Connect server: chat.facebook.com
(Uncheck the box labeled “Require SSL/TLS”)
6. Now you can chat with your friends.
7. For detailed installation, See the below video.

Video Tutorial:

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