Vodafone Australia 4G APN Settings for Android iPhone

Vodafone Australia 4G APN Settings for Android iPhone iPad Samsung Galaxy S6 HTC

Vodafone Australia Manual Internet and MMS Settings for Prepaid and Postpaid Customers.
APN for iPhone Micro or Nano SIM APN – live.vodafone.com
Mobile Broadband APN for iPad/ Tab – vfprepayMBB

1. Vodafone Australia 4G APN Settings for iPhone 6S 5 4S / iPad

In your Apple iPhone or iPad Go to Settings-> General Settings-> Network->Turn ON Cellular Data-> Cellular Network -> APN and enter the following Details

Vodafone Australia 4G APN Settings for iPad Cellular Data:
APN: live.vodafone.com
Username: Blank
Password: Blank
APN: live.vodafone.com
Username: blank
Password:  blank
MMSC: http://pxt.vodafone.net.au/pxtsend
MMS Proxy:
MMS Message Size: 1048576
MMS UA Prof URL:Leave  blank

2. Vodafone Australia 4G APN Settings for Android Smart Phones/ Samsung Galaxy / HTC / Nexus/ MotoG/ Xperia

In your Android Smart Phone (Kitkat or Lollipop) Go to Menu -> Settings -> Wireless & networks-> Mobile networks -> Access Point Names -> New APN and type the following (Add two APN,One for internet and one for MMS)

 Vodafone Australia 4G APN Settings for Android

4G/GPRS Settings:

Name : Vidafone Live
APN : live.vodafone.com
Proxy : Not Set
Port : Not Set
Username : Not Set
Password : Not Set
Server : Not Set
MMSC : http://pxt.vodafone.net.au/pxtsend
MMS Proxy :
MMS Port : 8080
MCC : 505
MNC : 03
Authentication Type :  Not Set
APN type : default
Bearer : unspecified
MVNO type: None

Name : Vidafone MMS
APN : live.vodafone.com
Proxy : Not Set
Port : Not Set
Username : Not Set
Password : Not Set
Server : Not Set
MMSC : http://pxt.vodafone.net.au/pxtsend
MMS Proxy :
MMS Port : 8080
MCC : 505
MNC : 03
Authentication Type :  Not Set
APN type : mms
Bearer : unspecified
MVNO type: None

3. Vodafone Australia Internet Settings for Nokia Lumia/ Windows Mobiles:

Go to Settings -> Access Point -> Add a New Profile, and enter the following details
Connection Name: Net10
Internet APN:

Vodafone Australia 4G APN Settings for Nokia Lumia

Access Point Name:   live.vodafone.com
Username: Blank
Password: Blank
Proxy address:
Proxy port: 8080
Network type : IPv4
Authentication Type: none
MMS Access Point Name:  live.vodafone.com
Username: Blank
Password: Blank
Proxy address:
Proxy Port: 8080
MMSC: http://pxt.vodafone.net.au/pxtsend
Network type : IPv4
Authentication Type: none

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